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Recipes From Dipsy Daisy - November 7, 2019 Open House

Katie, the owner and creator of Dipsy Daisy dips catered our November 7th Open House. Not only does she own Dipsy Daisy...she she also owns Blue Daisy Cafe in Ruthven. Add on top of that her amazing catering.

Katie was kind enough to share her recipes from the evening....enjoy!

Buffalo Hot Wing Deviled Eggs

​2 dozen hard-boiled eggs​​​

1 pkg. Buffalo Hot Wing Dip Mix

​1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese​​​

½ c. Ranch dressing

​2 stalks celery, diced​​​​

1-5 oz. can chicken

Cut boiled eggs in half and remove yolks to a medium-sized bowl.  Use a hand mixer to break up yolks and add softened cream cheese and Ranch.  Mix until mixture is smooth.  Mix in chicken and celery.  Put mixture into a gallon baggie; cut off corner of bag and fill eggs with mixture.

Buffalo Hot Wing Dip or Tortilla Roll-ups

​2-8oz. pkgs. cream cheese​​​

1-12 oz. can chicken

​¼ c. Ranch dressing​​​​

2 T. Frank’s Hot Sauce

​1 pkg. Buffalo Hot Wing Dip Mix​​

1 c. shredded mozzarella

Mix all ingredients together.  I put half of this mixture into a baby crock pot and heated until melty.  Serve with crackers or celery or crusty bread.  I used the other half to make tortilla roll-ups.  Spread a thin layer onto a large flour tortilla.  This should be enough for about 6.  Put rolled up tortillas back into the bag or wrap with plastic wrap.  Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight and slice to serve.

Spinach & Artichoke Alfredo

​2-15 oz. jars prepared Alfredo sauce​

¼ c. Parmesan cheese

​1 pkg. Spinach & Artichoke Dip Mix​

1-10 oz. pkg. frozen spinach

Thaw and drain spinach.  Mix all ingredients and heat in a crockpot.  Add either cooked tortellini or prepared meatballs for either an appetizer or a main dish.

Spinach & Artichoke Skewers

​1 pkg. Spinach & Artichoke Dip Mix​

1 c. olive oil

​¼ c. balsamic vinegar​​​

1 pkg. grape tomatoes

​1 pkg. cooked tortellini​​​

1 pkg. fresh mozzarella pearls

Whisk together the dip mix, olive oil, and vinegar.  Set aside.  Skewer a tomato, a tortellini, and a piece of mozzarella onto a toothpick and arrange on a serving platter.  Repeat a bunch of times.  Drizzle the dressing over the skewers.

Eat Your Veggies Hummus

1-16 oz. container prepared hummus​​

1 pkg. Eat Your Veggies Dip Mix

1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened​​

½ c. sour cream

Mix all ingredients together until smooth and creamy.  Serve with mini naan bread dippers or fresh veggie tray or crackers.

Pumpkin Pie Caramel Cream Puffs

1 pkg. Pumpkin Pie Dip Mix​​​​

1 jar prepared caramel sauce

1 pkg. frozen filled cream puffs

Mix the caramel and dip mix together.  Arrange cream puffs on a serving tray and drizzle a small amount of the caramel over each cream puff.

Katie of Dipsy Daisy along with Carol Thoma

Thank you to everyone who joined us....what a great evening!



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