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Palm Sunday

These are odd times...

Many of our local Churches are unable to have Palm Sunday service due to the quarantine restrictions. With this - we are left with many palms that were ordered.

With that...I am going to set out in front of the store today (Thursday, April 2, 2020) a bucket of palms. Please feel free to take a palm and share the story that is below. It is a children's version of the explanation of Palm Sunday and why there are palms involved. Perhaps you can have your own version of Palm Sunday in your home.

Note: a dear friend just sent me this idea: Hang your palm on your front door on Palm Sunday.

With the weather forecast for Friday - I thought it would be best to do this today. Simply trim off the bottom of the palm and put it in a glass or vase of water.

The Story of People Waving Palms to Jesus

by Sharla Guenther

As Jesus came closer to Jerusalem, he asked two of his disciples to go ahead of Him. He said, "When you get to the town, you will see a donkey tied up. Untie it, and bring it to me. If anyone asks you about taking the donkey, just tell them, 'The Lord needs it and He will bring it back as soon as He's done with it.'"

So, the disciples did as Jesus asked. They soon found the donkey tied at a doorway. As they were untying it, some people were standing nearby visiting. They didn't recognize the men and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you untying the donkey?"

They replied just as Jesus had told them to. Explaining that the Lord needed it, the people let them go.

When they brought the donkey to Jesus, some of the disciples took off their coats and laid them on the donkey's back. They did this out of respect for Jesus. Then Jesus rode on the donkey towards Jerusalem.

As He was traveling, some people saw Jesus coming and came running towards Him. They had heard He might be coming and they wanted to see him because he had just helped a dead man come back to life.

One by one, they laid their coats on the ground for the donkey to step on. Even the people that weren't wearing coats ran to the fields and trees nearby and cut palm branches and laid them down.

These people knew that Jesus was special. It was like when a King or Queen would come to town, and people would roll out a red carpet for him or her to step on. This is what these people did for Jesus when they laid down their coats and branches.



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